Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Bit of a crappy drawing of an alleyway depicting urban decay!

Last Orders!

Here's another picture taken by my girlfriend, Joanne, of a f**ked-up pub in Salford.
I'm going to try and do a painting of this picture because I love it!!!

Urban Decay

For the next project for the course, we have to choose 2 words to do prints of. The 2 words I have decided to use are 'decay' and 'architecture'. I'm still not sure whether to combine the 2 words to do 'decaying architecture' or to focus on the 2 words separately. The 2 pictures below were taken by my girlfriend, Joanne, while we walked around Manchester yesterday specifically to take pictures of decay.

The picture above is of a sign on a building site that is old decaying, the black lines on the picture is paint that has been weathered so much it's peeling off.

This picture is of a billboard that had a load of adverts posted on top of each other and that had been ripped off. The billboard currently has no advert on it but I just thought that all the ripped paper on it looked really cool and a good example of urban decay.

Some Cool Pictures From Prague

In Feb 2012 I went to Prague with the college. I love travelling and experiencing different cultures and seeing different things, to be honest I would love to travel the world! 

The following 4 pictures are of some things in Prague that I thought were really cool and interesting, mainly graffiti because there was so much cool art over there!

The picture above is of a vending machine in an art gallery we visited while in Prague. I thought this was pretty cool because the contents of it are spray paints and paints pens specifically for doing graffiti! A guy on the foundation degree (I shall name no names!) bought a pen from the machine which broke when it dropped down, when the guy took the pen out and opened the lid, the paint all over the floor! The woman working at the gallery went sick about it but most of us thought it was quite funny!

This is a little graffiti tag that was on a wall opposite our hotel. I love the fact that it's nice and simple, the lettering and the actual text 'Never forget, never forgive'.

I like the street art in the picture above, it's of the back of a street sign with graffiti on it. The actual sign was done on paper then pasted onto the wall, I've seen quite a lot of street art done this way and thought this was a really good way of doing street art because it's quicker to put up than spray painting (and therefore a better way of not getting caught by the authorities!) and also the artwork will be more accurate because the artwork is done in safety of your own home!

The sheep on this picture is also done on paper and pasted onto the wall. I don't know why I like this piece, I just thought it was cool!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Light Graffiti

I found some really cool pictures while looking at graffiti, so I thought I'd stick them on my blog!!! =) It's basically pictures of graffiti done with with light, a torch or something. I would love to do some stuff like this!!!

(images credit: lichtfaktor)

(image credit: Adam Sherbell)

(image credit:

The best light graffiti is the animated one - see this video, made by Jamie Kivisto as a commercial for Sprint:

All the pictures and video in this post were taken from:

F.M.P Russian Dolls

     These are pictures of my F.M.P (final major project) from last year (first year of the art and design diploma)

They're mod-rock models of Russian-style dolls form different parts of the world.

 All the dolls have tattoos inspired from the different countries they are from.

 The largest is supposed to be from Russia, then working down in size order, they are from New Zealand (Maori tattoos), Japanese (traditional Japanese tattoos), Mexico (gang-related tattoos, didn't know what else to do!!) and an English doll (Old-school traditional tattoo designs).


                                                                   English doll


                                          Japanese doll

                                                                    Russian doll

                                                     Mexican "gangster" doll

The picture below is of Russian-style dolls that I saw in Prague. These dolls are kinda what inspired me to make the dolls for my F.M.P

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

This is a tattoo by one of my favourite tattooist called Alex De Pase. He mostly does realistic tattoos using lots of colour in them.